All Peoples are Brothers.
Registration of new Members
Iscrizione nuovi Soci
Interporto Gela APS
Reg. Office:
Via XXIV Maggio,70
93012 Gela (CL)
Tel +39 0933 1966010
Mob. +39 353 3997845
Tax Code 90016150857
Registered at the Revenue Agency of Gela
on 20.10.2004 n.100439 series 3
for integration and modifications for
adaptation to the RUTS registered
at number 855 series 3 on
21 September 2023
2025 All rights
Free Trade Zone
Fiscal and Customs Free Zone
resolution no. 04 of 15.01.2013
Council of the city of Gela
70127 Bari
Mob. +39 320 258 9582
93100 Caltanissetta
Mob. +39 339 5868707
20135 Milano
Mob. +39 353 399 7845
91100 Trapani
Mob. +39 389 805 0669
Free patronage of the
Casa Enzo Ferrari Foundation
digital domicile:
Bank Account
Interporto Gela APS
Via XXIV Maggio,70
93012 Gela (CL) - ITALIA
IBAN: IE58SUMU99036511670428
Interporto Gela APS
with tax code 90016150857,
register number 125504 to the IT system of the
Single National Registry of the Third Sector,
was registered by the Sicily Office on 07/11/2023
with protocol number 0045985. (RUTS)
We are looking for
all over the world
please send your CV
to the following email: